
Making Time Lapse videos smoother with Twixtor

Just wanted to share a little video that shows how time lapse videos can be edited to look smoother.

As you can see, the twixtored video does look much smoother than the original clip, even if it was slowed down to 70% of its original speed. In fact the video at 70% speed, which was slowed down without the twixtor plugin, does look really choppy which makes it unusable. If you want to make your time lapse videos look a little bit smoother think about slowing them down a little with the incredible Twixtor plugin which you can find here. I'm really impressed with the results and I think this technique could even improve some of the great time lapse videos out there.

If you have any questions on how this was done feel free to ask me.

By the way, this little clip was shot on my Canon 550D with the Sigma 17-50 2.8 lens and my cheap timer remote cord from China. The sky was graded with the incredible Magic Bullet plugin.



  1. hey jonni,
    great vid and blog!! (ich bin übrigens auch deutscher, schreib aber mal für die vielen anderen leser auf englisch ;)

    my question is...:magic bullet?did you buy it or...?
    are those custom picture styles? I am just getting more and more into my 550D, with Magic Lantern installation yetserday...
    Regards from Berlin

  2. Thanks Marco!

    The great thing is that I do have access to a computer with Adobe Premiere Pro and also a copy of the famous Magic Bullet Plugin installed on it. Unfortunately I do not own this software so I can only edit my footage once or twice each month. (I do definitely have to buy it as soon as the price drops :) )

    The picture style I shoot videos with is a very flat setting (low contrast, sharpness=0). I also used to shoot with the Magic Lantern firmware but sometimes it crashed and I lost some footage so I decided to go with the Canon firmware again. But I do really miss the ISO-Settings (160, 320, 640, ...) so I think I'll reinstall a newer Magic Lantern version and give it a try.

    Congrats to the 550D, great camera ;)


  3. Thanks for the long answer :) lucky you, with a computer at hand with magic bullit on it, I wanna install some custom picture styles as soon as possible!

    Do you have a tip for a good flat custom picture style?


  4. Just check the post "Technicolor CineStyle™ Picture Style..." it's a great profile :)


  5. hi im a great fan of your posts. i recently bought a 550d and i really want to try twixtor but my pc is too old for that. could you suggest me the cheapest PC configuration to edit avchd and to use twixtor without so much trouble. I would really appreciate it.

    1. Hi nico, I'm no expert, but for 500 Euros you should get what you need. Make sure you have enough RAM and a good video card. I think that's all you need :)


    2. thanks jonny i bought AMD Phenom II - X4 840 3.2 GHz True QUAD-CORE design, a MSI AM3 880GM-E41, 12 Gb - DDR3 - PC3-10700, and a Nvidia 9500GT 512 MB DDR3 and 1tb
      the case is ultra slim and the pwr 450wts actually im worried about that do you think i should get another case and power?
